martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

El resignificado del desarrollo

"Un mundo muere y otro lucha por nacer". Esta afirmación que ha significado una constante presente en la totalidad de los procesos de cambio que han marcado el transcurso de la humanidad, constituye la matriz conceptual de esta obra que Ediciones CICCUS presenta en su segunda edición. El autor afirma al respecto: "El nuevo mundo que ha de llegar -y tenemos la absoluta certeza que lo hará- está naciendo de las profundidades del espíritu colectivo de la humanidad. Surge de una energía latente, distribuida en todos los pueblos, comunidades y personas que habitamos la Tierra, y aunque se encuentra todavía poco visible bajo la corteza imponente y resquebrajada de la empresa maquinal materialista, no tardará en aflorar y hacerse manifiesto" Lucio Capalbo construye una obra polifónica mediante el aporte de reconocidos pensadores, quienes a través de sus trabajos, esbozan pautas enriquecedoras para el cuestionamiento de los paradigmas existentes en torno a la idea de desarrollo. A las voces de autores como Miguel Grinberg, Jaime Duhart, Jordi de Cambra Bassols, Antonio Elizalde, Conrado Ugarte y Luis Razeto Migliaro; el autor y compilador incorpora a la presente edición las reflexiones de inteectuales tales como las del francés Edgar Morin, del filósofo húngaro Ervin Lazlo, del escritor colombiano Luis Yepes y del especialista nacional en ecología humana Roberto Grana. Como apéndice se incorporan tres documentos que, por su trascendencia, son considerados patrimonios de la humanidad. Entre ellos la famosa "Carta del Cacique Seattle", que ya en el año 1856 advertía al Gran Jefe de Washington, "No fue el hombre el que tejió la trama de la vida: él es sólo un hilo de la misma. Todo cuanto haga con la trama se lo hará a sí mismo".


-Desarrollo: del dominio material al dominio de las ilimitadas potencialidades humanas, Lucio Capalbo
-Planetización de la conciencia humana y diversidad cultural, Jaime R. Duhart
-Desarrollo y subdesarrollo del concepto de desarrollo: elementos para una reconceptualización, Jordi de Cambra Bassols
-Por una política de la humanidad, Edgar Morin
-Ecología, ética, epistemología y economía: relaciones difíciles, pero necesarias, Antonio Elizalde
-¿Es sustentable ambientalmente el crecimiento capitalista?, Antonio Elizalde
-Hermenéutica de la crisis ecológica, Conrado Ugarte
-El ecodesarrollo humano, Roberto Grana
-La sociedad inmolada, Migud Grinberg
-Decrecer con equidad, Lucio Capalbo
-La dimensión económica del tercer sector en América Latina, Lilis Razeto Migliaro
-Václav Havel: valores esenciales para una nueva humanidad, Luis Eduardo Yepes
-Caminos hacia la civilización planetaria, Ervin Laszlo

-Desarrollo a Escala Humana, Manfred Max-Neef, Antonio Elizalde y Martin Hoppenhayn
-Manifiesto sobre el espíritu de la conciencia planetaria - Carta del cacique Seattle 

Referencia bibliográfica: 
Capalbo, Lucio, comp. 2008. El resignificado del desarrollo. Buenos Aires: Ciccus; UNIDA, 310 p. 

Forma de adquisición: Cesión CIT agosto 2013.

New challenges for tourism promotion : tackling high competition and multimedia changes

Increased competition, the ongoing differentiation process of potential visitors` needs and the irreversible development to a multimedia information and communication society are tremendous challenges for institutions which aim to attract and keep loyal visitors.

Introduction, Peter Keller Christian Laesser - The Practitioner's View - National Tourism Promotion: Lessons to be Learned and Challenges Ahead, Petra Stolba - The Growing Importance of E-Promotion: The Example of Switzerland Tourism, Michel Ferla
Section 1: Promotion - The Emerging Role of Social Media in Tourism Marketing Promotion, Serena Volo - Promotional Decision-making Time of Visitors at a National Arts Festival, Martinette Kruger  Melville Saayman - Promoting Tourism Products via 3D Graphic Arts, Barbara Marciszewska  Krzysztof Marciszewski
Section 2: Special Interest - Organisational Challenges of Using Social Media Marketing: The Case of two Network Carriers, David Caliesch  Andreas Liebrich - Creating a Powerful Niche Product - Ways to Successful Branding of 'Energy-Tourism', Alexandra Jiricka, Veronika Wirth, Boris Salak  Ulrike Pröbstl - Antedecents of Domestic Tourism Demand in Tanzania, Wineaster Anderson
Section 3: Institutional Aspects - Public Financing of Tourism Organisations: A Conceptual Approach, Egon Smeral - New Ways for Public-Private Partnerships to Meet Challenges at the Destinations in Hungary, Andrea Nemes - Marketing and Sustainable Tourism in Alpine Destinations, Katarzyna Klimek, Miriam Scaglione, Roland Schegg  Rafael Matos 

Referencia bibliográfica: 
Keller, Peter, ed.; Bieger, Thomas, ed. 2012. New challenges for tourism promotion : tackling high competition and multimedia changes. Berlin: ESV, 175 p. (International Tourism Research Concepts, 6). 

Forma de adquisición: Cesión CIT agosto 2013.

Managing change in tourism : creating opportunities - overcoming obstacles

Tourism more than other industries is subject to continuous change - not only due to new demand trends but also due to new developments in relevant environments like climate, local culture or consolidation of the travel industry. In addition, changes in tourism touch destination, intercompany and inner company structures.

Introduction, Peter Keller Thomas Bieger
Section 1: Drivers of Change - Global Warming as a Driver of Change in Alpine Skiing Areas, Mariangela Franch, Umberto Martini, Maria Della Lucia  Federica Buffa - Barrier to Change in Rural Tourism: Evaluating Dependence on Local Tourism Resources in Japan, Yasuo Ohe
Section 2: Destination - Destination-Marketing Organizations Facing the Challenges of Change, Arja Lemmetyinen - The Change Corridor in Transition from Region to Destination - The Case of the Franconian Lake District, Harald Pechlaner, Christopher Reuter Monika Bachinger
Section 3: Product Innovation and Life Cycle - The Life Cycle of a Specific Tourist Product - Christmas in Lapland, Raija Komppula, Sanna Hakulinen Saila Saraniemi - The Swiss Tourism Sector and Web 2.0 Change Management, Miriam Scaglione, Colin Johnson  Jean-Philippe Trabichet
Section 4: Change Management - Enhancing Knowledge in Tourist Firms: Between Maintenance and Change Paola Paniccia Marco Valeri - Explaining Decisions for Change in Tourist Destinations: The Garbage Can Model in Action Pietro Beritelli Stephan Reinhold 

Referencia bibliográfica: 
Keller, Peter, ed.; Bieger, Thomas, ed. 2010. Managing change in tourism : creating opportunities - overcoming obstacles. Berlin: ESV, 157 p. (International Tourism Research Concepts, 4) 

Forma de adquisición: Cesión CIT agosto 2013.

Real estate and destination development in tourism : successful strategies and instruments

Real estate and destination development in tourism : successful strategies and instruments Real Estate is one of the driving factors of destination development.

Introduction, Peter Keller, Thomas Bieger
Section 1: The Role, Structure and Development of Destination Real Estate Markets - Spain and Croatia: Traditional versus new markets for residential tourism, Jordi Datzira-Masip, Marco Julià-Eggert - Hotel resorts in South Tyrol: Drivers and constraints for a real estate-based development, Harald Pechlaner, Lisa Kofink, Marcus Herntrei - Real estate market for long stay tourists and expatriates in Phuket, Manat Chaisawat, Oraphan Tungsomboon
Section 2: Evolving Destination Market Business Models - Low cost tourism and real estate demand, Andrea Macchiavelli, Lara Cinesi - Dynamics of price negotiation in real estate at upscale resorts in the Alps - A case study of Verbier, Valais, Switzerland, Miriam Scaglione - A perspective on beauty - Reading urban attractiveness via content analysis of photographs, Rico Maggi, Claudia Scholz
Section 3: The Socio-Economic Impacts of Real Estate on Destinations - The economic impact of tourism in private homes: The case of the Lipari Archipelago, Giovanni Ruggieri - Developments in real estate and tourism in Alpine winter sports destinations: The case of the Styrian ski resort Schladming, Otto Bammer, Patrick Hainzl, Michael Mair, Daniela Wagner - The socio-economic and environmental impacts of second home tourism: The South Pacific Coast of Nicaragua Example, Xavier Matteucci, Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Matthias Beyer
Section 4: Optimizing Destination Capacity through Real Estate Management Strategies - A conceptual design of public measures: The case of the Flemish holiday property market, Mia Lammens, Raf de Bruyn, Frank Go - Second homes and sustainable development - A perception analysis of second homes in Kitzbühel, Austria, Anita Zehrer, Hubert Siller, Marc Stickdorn - Real estate supply and demand issues in a seaside destination, Serena Volo
Section 5: Real Estate Strategies for Destinations - Real estate private equity investment and its impacts on the business development strategy of international hotel companies in European tourism destinations, Klaus Weiermair, Jörg Frehse - Development of destinations and real estate in a tourism region - An application of life cycle theory, Markus R. Schuckert, Philipp E. Boksberger - Image, truth and illusion in tourism promotion: The problem of the rapid spread of second homes in Switzerland and planning strategies, Jürg Stettler, Giovanni Danielli
Section 6: Public-Private Governance Approaches for Managing Holiday Property Market Development - Embedding leisure facilities in destination development - Two case studies of water parks in Germany, Daniel Metzler, Hubert Job - Vacation home owner's willingness to lease through an intermediary - A case study in two Finnish ski resorts, Raija Komppula, Helen Reijonen, Tuomas Timonen - Estimating renting behaviour of second home owners - The case of Swiss Alpine destinations, Pietro Beritelli, Isabelle Engeler, Christian Laesser, Robert Weinert

Referencia bibliográfica: 
Keller, Peter, ed.; Bieger, Thomas, ed. 2008. Real estate and destination development in tourism : successful strategies and instruments. Berlin: ESV, 321 p. (International Tourism Research Concepts, 3). 

Forma de adquisición: Cesión CIT agosto 2013

Productivity in tourism : fundamentals and concepts for achieving growth and competitiveness

In tourism business productivity is decisive for competitiveness and growth. But there is a high uncertainty how to increase productivity without loss of quality and cost increases.


Introduction, Peter Keller, Thomas Bieger
Section 1: Productivity differentials and levels of development of countries - Tourism productivity convergence in Europe: Leaders Catchers up, Miriam Scaglione, Colin Johnson - The productivity puzzle in tourism, Egon Smeral - Productivity differentials across tourist destinations: A theoretical empirical analysis, Klaus Weiermair, Matthias Fuchs
Section 2: Flow of visitors and the industrialisation of tourism - Tourist destinations as brands: The impact of destination image and reputation on visitor loyalty, Evangelos Christou - From the "ideal" to the real destination: Tourists' location choice for holiday experience, Valeria Croce, Rico Maggi - The effects on productivity of subsidizing tourist firms, Stefan F. Schubert, Juan G. Brida
Section 3: The potential for rationalisation in labour-intensive enterprises - Does size matter? On the productivity and profitability of cableway operation, Pietro Beritelli, Christian Laesser, Thomas Riklin - Is there an inverse relationship between service quality and productivity or not? It's all in the definition!, Christine A. Hope - Effective occupancy of the holiday houses: condition for the development of the destination, Andrea Macchiavelli, Emilio Colombo
Section 4: Productivity increases and technological advances - Information technology and management in tourist companies: The productivity process in question, Arlette Bouzon, Joelle Devillard - The productivity paradox: Effects of technology on the travel business, Frank M. Go, Erik van 't Klooster - ITC and productivity - the case of the Slovenian travel industry, Tanja Mihalic - Developing of business intelligence system for tourism - BIST - The experience of Croatia, Blazenka Vrdoljak-Salamon, Damir Kresic, Petra Gatti
Section 5: Productivity increases and cooperation - Ski cooperation productivity and cooperation with hotel firms: the lacked tie, Ruggero Sainaghi, Silvia Canali - Tourism industry productivity across metropolitan areas in the US, Tim Tyrrell, Ted Martens - Productivity improvement through cooperation - A horizontal hotel co-operation in Carinthia, Austria, Anita Zehrer, Alexander Raffeiner, Günther Lehar, Hubert Siller

Referencia bibliográfica: 
Keller, Peter, ed.; Bieger, Thomas, ed. 2007. Productivity in tourism : fundamentals and concepts for achieving growth and competitiveness. Berlin: ESV, 252 p. (International Tourism Research Concepts, 2)

Forma de adquisición: Cesión CIT agosto 2013

Marketing efficiency in tourism : coping with volatile demand


Introduction, Peter Keller
Section 1: Volatile demand and recovery marketing - Volatile demand for tourism? - We can only market efficiently to what we know, rather than to what we imagine, Richard Butler - "Volatile" tourism consumer = Stable tourism market? - Market research results on the demand side of the German holiday market, Ulf Sonntag - Recovery marketing after tourism shocks, Lindsay Turner, Chau Jo Vu, Stephen F. Witt
Section 2: Proliferation of destinations and need for branding - The relationship between branding and innovation: The SMTE perspective, Ed Brooker, Frank M. Go - Strategic brand management of tourism destinations: Creating emotions and meaningful intangibles, Mike Peters, Klaus Weiermair, Phunthumadee Katawandee - Destination branding and skier environmental attitudes, Peter Williams, Jennifer Reilly, Wolfgang Haider
Section 3: Pricing in conditions of global competition - Customer value based pricing in tourism and hospitality - Peninsula Bankok's conceptual approach, Philipp E. Boksberger, Brandon Chan - Price satisfaction in the hotel industry, Frieda Raich, Harald Pechlaner, Barbara Hölzl
Section 4: Higher customer value and IT based distribution channels - Cooperation of small enterprises in a web-based tourism network - case of the Old Mail Road in Finland, Aland and Sweden, Arja Lemmetyinen, Reima Suomi - Investigating website performance in Valais' hospitality industry, Miriam Scaglione, Roland Schegg, Jamie Murphy
Section 5: Methods to increase marketing management efficiency - Making sense of destination promotion - On the impact of promotional measures on overnight stays and income from tourism, Pietro Beritelli, Christian Laesser, Fabian Widmann - Does image-research contribute to operative marketing planning; case Finland, Raija Komppula, Anja Tuohino, Arvo Peltonen, Seppo Aho - Integrated marketing efficiency through co-innovation process - tools for managing the destination marketing organization, Arja Lemmetyinen, Frank M. Go, Ed Brooker - Improving marketing efficiency through the implementation of advanced forecasting methods: a short-term approach, Egon Smeral, Michael Wüger - The contribution of the State to more efficient and effective marketing, Karl Socher
Section 6: Advantages of integrated promotion of places - Destination strategy and firm strategy: the overlooked link, Manuela De Carlo, Silvia Canali - Volatile tourism demand in European cities and role of local populations, Claude Origet du Cluzeau - Identity-creating values as a basis for the integrated promotion? - The case of Ingolstadt - AUDI AG Partnership, Harald Pechlaner, Elisabeth Fischer, Frank M. Go - Tourism marketing in transborder regions, Tomasz Studzieniecki

Referencia bibliográfica: 
Keller, Peter, ed.; Bieger, Thomas, ed. 2006. Marketing efficiency in tourism : coping with volatile demand. Berlin: ESV, 262 p. (International Tourism Research Concepts, 1)

Forma de adquisición: Cesión CIT agosto 2013